Is Your Farm’s Water Costing You Money?
Water is life, but impurities in the water you’re giving your livestock could be sucking the life out of your business. The good news? We can help.
Enhancing Digestion, Improving Milk Production
Assist partners with dairy producers to create a complete animal health program. Our solutions focus on correcting issues in the water dairy herds drink that directly impact animal health.
Improving Weight Gain And FCR, Lowering Mortality
Assist helps producers correct toxic issues in poultry drinking water, removing sulfates and heavy metals. We also help improve the air quality in growing barns.
Improved Gut Health In All Life Stages For More Payable Pounds
Healthy gut populations mean improved digestion, less stress, better feed conversion and improved health. And that means more profit for you.
Enhancing Digestion, Improving Weight Gain
We help beef producers improve their water, which improves digestion, which improves health and feed conversion, which makes them more profit.

It all starts with the water your animals drink.
Better Water Means Better Health.
For the past decade, Assist has partnered with some of the world’s largest poultry, dairy, beef, and swine operators to identify problems with the water animals drink, its impact on animal nutrition, and its influence in production environments.

Getting Started Is Simple
Test Your Water
Review Your Results
Develop And Execute Your Plan

When impurities are removed and your livestock receive only clean, high-quality water, there’s a cascade of results that improve your business.
Healthier Livestock
Better Nutrition
Better Environments
Cleaner, longer-lasting equipment
Do These Lurk In Your Water?

Explore Our Livestock Solutions
Poultry Products
Improving Weight Gain, Decreasing Mortality, Lowering FCR
Swine Products
Improved Gut Health In All Life Stages
Dairy Products
Enhancing Digestion, Improving Milk Production
Beef Products
Enhancing Digestion, Improving Weight Gain

Want to know more?
Are sulfates in my animal’s drinking water unhealthy?
What is the impact of pH in my animal’s drinking water?
The acidity or alkalinity of water is expressed as its pH level. Neutral water (that which is neither acid nor alkaline) has a pH of 7. Acidic water has a pH lower than 7 and alkaline water has a pH greater than 7. Well water normally has a pH in the range from 6.8 to 7.8, although it is not uncommon for the pH to be much higher or lower. Acidic drinking water in the range of 5 to 6 can have a positive effect on digestion and nutrient uptake. Drinking water with pH levels under 5 that includes harsh acidifiers may corrode watering equipment and may impede the effectiveness of certain pharma products and vaccines.
What happens when I have high levels of sulfate in my animal’s water?
High sulfate in water is usually a natural problem. The primary issue with excessive sulfate levels in animal drinking water is its laxative effect. Animals given a source of drinking water with high sulfate levels may experience a temporary laxative effect until becoming acclimated to the water. High sulfate may also impart a bitter taste to water that can result in reduced water intake. Sulfate levels greater than 50 ppm may affect performance when sodium, magnesium or chloride levels are high.
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