It all starts with the water your animals drink.
For the past decade, Assist has partnered with some of the world’s largest poultry, dairy, beef, and swine operators to identify problems with the water animals drink, its impact on animal nutrition, and its influence in production environments.
Cleaner, better quality water means more payable production pounds, healthier animals, less feed, and so much more. Our specially engineered amino acids, micronutrients, and probiotics work in tandem with water to dramatically improve gut health and beneficial microbes that make the digestion process more efficient. Our environmental enzymes work with water to accelerate the growth of beneficial bacteria that out-compete unwanted pathogens and dangerous bacteria that impact animal health.
We believe water is the next frontier when it comes to producer profits. We help producers:
- Identify and remove harmful things in water that tie up nutrients and make animals sick
- Develop specialized water amendments that improve gut health and weight gain
- Remove harmful pathogens and bacteria from production environments and lagoons

Assist specializes in producing pharma-free, all natural, university-tested solutions which:
- Improve animal weight gain
- Reduce animal feed costs
- Cut animal mortality rates
- Eliminate dangerous pathogens and bacteria
- Remove dangerous sulfates, heavy metals, and other hazardous substances
What Customers Say
Nate Hecht

My cows and calves are healthier and producing more milk. In fact, I haven’t had to give a calf a shot in 6 months!
Mike Plager

Our Leadership
Andrew Thompson
Owner/Managing Partner
Brandon Scheider
General Manager
Dan Townsend
Plant Manager
Chloe Janssen
Office Manager
Andrew Thompson
Managing PartnerBrandon Scheider
General Manager

Our Partners

We were at our wits end to the point of pointing fingers at each other. There is no doubt that Assist’s Water Solution has helped us produce the best pigs we have seen in a long time